We have wide competence in welding and mounting of process and industrial pipes. With two fully equipped pipe workshops in Norrköping and Oxelösund we have the capacity for both big and small projects. Our employees have extensive experience with certifications as per SS-EN ISO 9606-1. The company as such is also certified as per SS-EN ISO 3834-2 and have welding procedures in material group 1, 5, 6 & 8.
For more information about pipe welding, please contact us to discuss your particular needs.
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Work at Ståthöga
We always look for competent individuals for our business units in Stockholm, Norrköping, Oxelösund and Kisa.
Send an application? Click here
Open opportunities are found here
Our services
- Industry plumbing
- Stainless pipes
- Steam pipes
- Transporter pipes
- Pressure vessel pipes
- Pressure vessels
- Cisterns
- Tanks
Workshop Area
Happy customers
Ståthöga MA Teknik AB | Tenngatan 6 | 602 23 Norrköping | Tel 011-31 49 50 | info@stathoga.se